Friday, July 13, 2012

[TRANS] From SHINee to SHINee World

[TRANS] From SHINee to SHINee World

I ran into a Korean shawol’s topic on Nate and I thought I’d just share it with you guys. It’s just a compilation of all the touching things SHINee has said to/about SHINee world. (:

1. 사랑합니다 고맙습니다 너무나 소중한 내사람들 (일본 첫단콘 - 키)
—— 1. I love you, thank you, my very special people. ( First Japanese SHINee Concert - Key)

2. 샤이니월드 등돌리지말아요 사랑해 (많은 가수가있었던 어느대형콘서트 엔딩무대 - 태민)
—— 2. SHINee World, don’t turn your backs [on us], I love you. (On their ending stage, at a big concert with many artists - Taemin)

3. 여러분이 없었다면 저도 없었겠죠 (데뷔초 팬미팅 - 온유)
—— 3. If you guys weren’t here, I wouldn’t be here either. (Fanmeeting during their debut era - Onew)

4. 저도 팬있어요 샤이니월드라고 너~무예뻐요 (유노윤호 생일파티 - 온유)
—— 4. I have fans too, they’re called “SHINee World” and they’re ve~ry pretty (U-know Yunho’s birthday party - Onew)

5. 기죽지말고 어깨피고 너무 기다렸지 미안해 (유타 - 종현)
—— 5. Don’t become too discouraged and stand up straight. You’ve waited long, didn’t you? I’m sorry. (UFO message - Jonghyun) [T/N: “유타”= shortened term for text messages on”Ufo Town”]

6. [샤월] 오빠들 이거보면 꼬맹이가 온유오빠 답장기다린다고 전해주세요 ^ㅜ^
[온유] 애기야 많이 기다렸니?
—— 6. [Shawol] Oppas, if you see this, please tell Onew that a little kid is waiting for his reply ^ㅜ^
[Onew] Little kid, did you wait for a long time? [T/N: Onew technically uses “baby” but that can be interpreted in different ways so I just used “little kid”]

7. 미안해요 샤이니월드 너무 미안해요 (첫 단독콘서트 엔딩무대 - 종현)
—— 7. Sorry, SHINee world, I’m so sorry. (First SHINee concert, ending stage - Jonghyun)

8. 샤이니월드는 저에게 감동이였죠 (팬미팅 - 태민)
—— 8. SHINee World was a big inspiration to me. (Fanmeeting - Taemin) [T/N: “감동” can have different meanings, such as, “impressive”] 

9. 형 그만해요 저희팬들몸에 상처내시면 안돼요 (공방후 주차장에서 매니저, 팬 폭행사건중 - 종현)
—— 9. Hyung, stop. You can’t hurt our fans. (At the parking lot after a live show, when manager’s using violence towards fans - Jonghyun)

10. 저희가 꼭 꼭 지켜줄게요 (팬미팅 - 온유)
—— 10. We’ll always always protect you. (Fanmeeting - Onew)

11. 안녕 안녕 보고싶었어 그리웠어 (어느대형콘서트 엔딩무대 - 민호)
—— 11. Hello, hello, I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you. (Ending stage of a big concert - Minho) [T/N: “그리웠어” technically means “I’ve yearned for you” but I think Koreans use it as another term for “I miss you”. Idk “I’ve yearned for you” just sounds awkward to me. LOL]

12. 사랑하는거 알쥐? (유타 - 키)
—— 12. You know I love you, right? (UFO message - Key)

13. 우리 줄리엣들..♥ (프롬샤이니 - 온유)
—— 13. Our Juliettes..♥ (From SHINee- Onew)

14. 불후의명곡 첫 1승 했을당시, 스텝이 태민이에게 “지금 가장 생각나는 사람이 누구야?”—-“팬분들이요!” (스텝 트위터 - 태민)
—— 14. During his first win on Immortal Songs, a staff asked Taemin, “Who’s the person you can first think of right now?” —- “Fans!” (Staff’s twitter - Taemin)

15. SHINee + SHINeeWorld = 1 언제까지갈까? 적어도 우리가 먼저 지우는일은 없을거야 (유타 - 종현)
—— 15. SHINee + SHINeeWorld = 1 How long will this last? At the least, we won’t be the first ones to erase this. (UFO message - Jonghyun)

16. 고맙고 사랑해 내사람들 (프롬샤이니- 종현)
—— 16. Thank you and I love you, my people. (From SHINee - Jonghyun)

17. 제팬들은..천사야 천사 (프롬샤이니 - 온유)
—— 17. My fans are.. angels, angels. (From SHINee - Onew)

18.샤이니월드, 곁에 있어줘서 얼마나 든든한지 (프롬샤이니 - 종현)
—— 18. SHINee World, I feel very reassured because you guys are beside me. (From SHINee - Jonghyun)

19. 미안하고 울지마세요 (프샤 - 종현)
—— 19. I’m sorry, and don’t cry. (From SHINee - Jonghyun) [T/N: Not too sure what “프샤” is but I’m guessing it’s an abbreviated form of “프롬샤이니”]

20. 누나들과 산소들과 줄리엣과 링딩동들? 응? (프샤 - 종현) (저희 팬덤 애칭이 누나가된 이유예요)
—— 20. Noonas, Oxygens, Juliettes, and Ring Ding Dongs? Hm? (From SHINee - Jonghyun) (This is the reason why our fandom’s nickname has become “noona”)

21. 우리가 노래하는 이유는 바로 YOU (프롬샤이니 - 종현)
—— 21. The reason why we sing is YOU (From SHINee - Jonghyun)

22. 여러분은 영원한 샤이니의 .. 말안해도 알죠? (프롬샤이니 - 민호)
—— 22. You all are forever SHINee’s .. you know even if I don’t say it, right? (From SHINee - Minho)

23. 우리의 활력소 샤이니월드 (프샤-태민)
—— 23. Our energy pill, SHINee World. (From SHINee - Taemin)

24. 여러분 덕분에 받은 이상, 모든건 샤이니와 함께해준 여러분에게 돌릴게요 (수상수감 - 키) 
—— 24. I’ll give my thanks to -everyone who have always been with SHINee for the award and everything else. (Award speech - Key)

25. We love SHINee World (해외콘 - 샤이니일등)
—— 25. We love SHINee World (Overseas Concert - SHINee 1st place)

Source: Nate
Translations: LittleMinnie. @
(Source: shineetown)

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